
KARE-TV 10pm News February 16, 1991 Paul Magers, Diana Pierce, Ken Barlow, Tom Ryther

Stretch and Z go golfing

WCCO-TV “Son of Bed Time News” December 30, 1973 Dave Moore, Al Austin, Bud Kraehling

WCCO-TV 10pm News December 12, 1993

KSTP-TV Good Company December 8, 1982 Bob Bruce June Lindsay

KSTP-TV Twin Cities Live Smokers vs. Non-Smokers, December 1986

KSTP-TV Eyewitness News 10pm November 20, 1990 Mark Suppelsa, Angela Astore, Dave Dahl, Joe Schmit

WCCO’s Walt Disney World Christmas Special, November 1987

WCCO-TV Moore on Sunday with Dave Moore December 2, 1973

KSTP-TV Eyewitness News September 30, 1989 Stan Turner, Kirstin Lindquist

Sports Friday with Stretch and Z (Best of Demo) Mike Gelfand, Mark Zelenovich

KMSP-TV Boyett and Bremen Promotion, Can two guys make it after all? 1974

WCCO-TV Born Again Bedtime Nooz, January 1, 1978 Dave Moore, Al Austin

KMSP’s “Bowlerama” from 1986 hosted by Johnny Canton #2

KSTP-TV Good Company December 7, 1982 Bob Bruce

WCCO-TV Newsday Final broadcast July 29, 1988