A collection of mess ups, outakes, gaffs, and mishaps from WTCN (now KARE) News with video from 1979 and 1980. Features Stan Bohrman, Keith Eichner, Glenn Burns, Jane Mitchell, Bernie Grace, Dr. Michael Brean, Nancy Nelson, Tom Ryther, Dennis Bounds, Bud Grant, Benchwarmer Bob and more
*Some adult language
Credit: Keith Eichner
Jeff Lonto: Also includes Nancy Nelson among others.
W.B.: Jane Mitchell . . . later to become known as Jane Velez Mitchell (sounded almost as she did on HLN reporting on such matters as Michael Jackson’s death, the Casey Anthony tril, and so on).
Bob Konshak: Who is that introducing Janet Mason at 10:30? He looks really familiar, but I’ve forgotten his name.