PBS Inside Story: “What’s a nice guy like you doing in local TV News”? Featuring Dave Moore, aired on KTCA in 1984

WCCO-TV 5pm Report from March 14, 1985 Don Shelby, Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling, Full Report

WCCO-TV Noon Report from March 27, 1985 Bill Carlson, Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling, Tony Parker, Full Report

Star Wars network premier on CBS, aired on WCCO-TV on February 26, 1984, last few minutes, commercials and documentary with Mark Hamill

WCCO-TV 10pm Report (First few minutes) with Don Shelby and Mike Walcher from December 1979, plus commercials for CBS News and more

WKRP’s Johnny Fever on WCCO-TV December 1979

Mark Rosen interviews Billy Martin at the Metrodome, WCCO-TV 1982

WCCO-TV’s 50th Anniversary 50 fast forward

WCCO-TV Mark Rosen’s report on Super Bowl XVI January 24, 1982

Sharing the Arena, story on University of Minnesota Women’s Sports reported by Mark Rosen, WCCO-TV 1977

Don Shelby’s Clown interview, WCCO-TV 1982

WCCO-TV 6pm News October 9, 1991 Dave Moore Coverage of Twins/Blue Jays American League Playoffs

WCCO Midday Promotion with Bill Carlson and Cindy Osborne, 1980

WCCO 10pm Report Segment featuring News and Weather with Dr. Walt Lyons and his Imposter October 13, 1985

Moore on Sunday: The Enchanted Forest Ensemble performs “In Expotition to the North Pole Opus No. 8” WCCO-TV December 8, 1978

WCCO-TV 10pm Report from May 13, 1980, Dave Moore, Doug Moore, Mike Fairbourne, and Ralph Jon Fritz full report