WCCO-TV 5pm Report October 29, 1979 Strike broadcast, Skip Loescher, Ron Handberg, Dan Carlson, Dave Habisch

WCCO-TV: Moore Report, Suffer the Children

WCCO-TV Noon Report August 30, 1982 Bill Carlson, Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling, Tony Parker

WCCO-TV 10pm Report August 22, 1985 Dave Moore, Debbie Ely, Dr. Walt Lyons, Mark Rosen

WCCO-TV 10PM Report from August 21, 1985 Dave Moore, Debbie Ely, Dr. Walt Lyons, Mark Rosen

WCCO-TV Noon Report August 20, 1985 Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling

WCCO-TV Noon Report August 19, 1985 Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling

WCCO-TV Coverage of Northwest Airlines Flight 255 crash in Detroit

WCCO-TV Noon Report August 12, 1985 Bill Carlson, Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling..

WCCO-TV Midday and coverage of Hubert Humphrey’s funeral January 16, 1978

WCCO-TV Noon Report May 8, 1985 Bill Carlson, Debbie Ely, Bud Kraehling, Tony Parker

WCCO-TV Noon Report April 29, 1985 Debbie Ely, Tony Saffold, Bud Kraehling, Tony Parker

WCCO-TV 10pm Report April 14, 1986 Mike Walcher, Debbie Ely, Mike Fairbourne, Tony Parker

WCCO-TV Tribute to Dave Moore: Remembering Dave, January 31, 1998

WCCO-TV 6pm Report March 20, 1985 Dave Moore, Debbie Ely, Mike Fairbourne, Ralph Jon Fritz

WCCO-TV 5pm Report March 21, 1985 Don Shelby, Debbie Ely, Ralph Jon Fritz, Bud Kraehling