
KARE-TV: The Wade Wilson Show with Jeff Passolt at Joe Sensor’s Grill

WCCO-TV Midday and coverage of Hubert Humphrey’s funeral January 16, 1978

WTCN-TV 1985: Jeff Passolt’s “Thank Goodness it’s Sports”

WTCN Mel Jass Commercial

KSTP: Pilot for Old Time Jamobree hosted by Roy Finden 1968

Robb Leer’s audition for KSTP 1978

WUSA Report on Ferris and Nick Alexander court fight over Minneapolis newsstand, 1985

WTCN-TV Paul Douglas feature with “little brother” Bill, 1985

WTCN (KARE) day of golf with Arnold Palmer, John Bachman, Tom Ryther and Bill Ryther

WTCN-TV “Concern” with Stuart A. Lindman Radio Deregulation 1980

KSTP’s Good Company 4th Anniversary 1986

KARE-TV North Stars Ownership change coverage 1990, Tom Ryther

WCCO-TV “Starmaker Blues” reported by Mike Walcher 1980

HBO Sports Segment on Super Bowl XXVI in Minneapolis featuring Bud Kraehling and Steve Cochran January 1992

KSTP Weather: Weather in the 1970s, aired January 1st 1980

WTCN-TV (KARE) News11 at 10 from January 24, 1985 Paul Magers, Diana Pierce, Paul Douglas